This is where we exel
For both institutional and product communication, Media Relations actions are very relevant. A good job of media communication is what that rigorously discloses the client's message, but also presents it as differentiating and indicated both for the medium in question and the profile of the contacted journalist, mediator of this relationship. We advise and define the relationship with the media, for more effective results respecting the communication objectives. We promote interviews, articles and reports, workshops and goodwill meetings. We elaborate contents, texts of support, dossiers and kits of press.
We work closely with our clients, streamlining digital strategies with periodic social performance reports. We work on the image and contents of the company or institution always adapting the message to the medium and the target audience. We create and manage communities, guide campaigns and events, streamline actions among users, implementing daily strategies, carrying out a permanent monitoring that allows us to be always on top of the event. We develop online conduct manuals for your brand and internal audiences.
We advise and support the creation of public affairs strategies, evaluating who the stakeholders are and monitoring the issues of interest among decision makers. Public affairs demand knowledge and information, to which is added the capacity for influence. With a dedicated and very experienced team, we prepare meetings and follow the decision processes, identifying initiatives from the first moment, with their opportunities and threats. In a growing multiplicity of actors, we invest in the construction and management of relationships on a wide range of subjects.
The first audience of a company or institution are the employees or collaborators. Therefore, we focus on internal communication strategies, with newsletters, magazines, training, motivational events, flyers, posters, etc. We elaborate content on a wide range of topics, tailoring information to the selected purposes. We organize and communicate team building actions in accordance with the objectives defined by the client. We think the communication of internal audiences as a strategic aspect of organizational communication, with competitive contributions for organizations.
We have a wide experience in the management of crisis situations and reputation with companies and institutional entities, neutralizing the crisis or taking advantage of it to create successful dynamics. We evaluate the potential risk situations with the client, in order to define scenarios and possibilities of action. We strongly advocate prevention as best defense, but we are prepared for emergency responses. We manage all communication of crisis with the media, in terms of public relations and communications, in permanent articulation with the client.
We are with you from the moment of brainstorming, in the organization of breakfasts, press conferences, round tables, workshops, one to one meetings with journalists, promotional actions, inaugurations and / or product launches. For the success of these events, we help you from site selection, stakeholders invitation, creation of press kit, support in the decoration of the space, support with moderators, preparation of Q & A, among others. We activate your brand, streamlining your company's messages and values along with previously selected targets.
In order to your company's spokespersons to be prepared to talk with the various types of media, we advise you to conduct media training sessions. We prepare spokespeople, as well as their messages and interaction with the media. The main objectives of these training actions are to train the interlocutors to contact the media; Prepare the effectiveness of the message according to the target; Skills for the various media types. We certify the spokesperson to speak with confidence and objectivity about the launch of products, commercial strategies, market trends and even to manage in the immediate unexpected crises that involve the brand and the organization.
Reputation it´s the main strength of our customers, and goes beyond the services or products they present. It combines the perceived image of the company with the desired image, and its actual behavior. It is an asset that is priceless and requires constant attention. Direct experiences and traditional channels of communication now add more and more channels of instantaneous diffusion and immediate reaction. With the most appropriate tools, we monitor and collect information, to constantly monitor our clients, developing strategic affirmation actions. We support the creation of communication strategies to influence public perception.
Otimizamos os conteúdos do seu site para que se possa destacar com informações relevantes junto do seu público-alvo. Através de um conjunto de estratégias SEO (Search Engine Optimization), conseguimos potenciar e melhorar o posicionamento do seu site nos resultados orgânicos dos motores de busca. Comece já a gerar conversões. Apareça nos primeiros resultados de pesquisa com conteúdos estratégicos e seja a escolha certa para o seu potencial consumidor.
Ajudamos a sua empresa a crescer e a destacar-se nos resultados de pesquisa do Google com campanhas estratégicas de Google Ads. Alcance os seus potenciais consumidores nos vários momentos de pesquisa por palavras-chave relacionadas com a sua área de atividade. Apareça nos primeiros resultados com conteúdos relevantes e destaque-se da sua concorrência.
O Google Analytics é uma ferramenta essencial para uma boa estratégia de marketing digital. Analisamos as estatísticas do seu site e entregamos relatórios que lhe permitem reavaliar estratégias e definir novos objetivos. Saiba qual é o comportamento dos utilizadores no seu site, as páginas com melhores resultados, as principais fontes que geram tráfego o impacto das redes sociais. Conheça a sua audiência e esteja sempre um passo à frente das suas necessidades.